Definition and systematization of factors affecting the optimization of plying zones of passenger trains in Ukraine
factor, suburban, regional, interregional, high-speed, train, incomings, charges, efficiency, passengerAbstract
An actual issue of increasing the efficiency of some trains and reduce operating costs for passenger traffic is existed in the current conditions. Additionally plying distance of passenger trains in Ukraine is quite often exceeds the actual travel zone. This causes changes in the organization of passenger traffic, justifies the need to determine the optimal zones plying of passenger trains, and the main factors that affect their value.
The study defined and systematized main factors influence the effectiveness of different types of plying of passenger trains. It is built an improved classification of these factors on which it became possible to calculate rational distances traffic of passenger trains. This classification includes five groups of factors into account: the characteristics of the rolling stock, the organization of passenger trains, the current state of the railway infrastructure, tariff policy and quality of passenger service. Also it is identified measures that will optimize plying zones of different types of passenger trains.
Taking into account the above factors allows making correct calculations of parameters of rational zones of plying trains and increases the validity of management decisions to ensure the efficiency of passenger trains and their competitiveness on the transport market.
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