Nucleation of pores and their influence on material properties




pores, pore genesis, porous system, diffusion genesis, the genesis of degradation rate of pore formation


The pore formation is investigated and the theories of porosity are analyzed. It is proposed classification of the pore genesis, namely the separation on the diffusion genesis of and the destruction genesis. By diffusion genesis it is covered the pore formation at formation of gases in the material due to chemical reactions, to the difference of gas saturation limits of matter in different states of aggregation, to the transition to the gaseous state of one of the components of the original mixture. By destruction genesis – the pore formation by thermal degradation due to deformation of the body, and also due to the effects of radiation, followed by the collapse of the chemical bonds. The author gives a detailed account of each type of pore genesis.

These theoretical studies have established analytical dependence of the rate of pore formation and growth rate of diffusion for pore genesis. These relations allow determining the number of pores and volume at any time for the materials in which pore formation is occurred.

Author Biography

Андрій Олександрович Чейлитко, Zaporizhia State Engineering Academy, Lenina 226, Zaoporozhia, Ukraine, 69006

Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor

Department of heating energy


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How to Cite

Чейлитко, А. О. (2015). Nucleation of pores and their influence on material properties. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(1(25), 30–35.