Dynamic penetration by liquids technical elements special clothing





textile, technical liquids, special clothing, penetration of liquids


The main problem to be solved is to provide the protective properties of special clothing under the effect of liquids. In particular, the questions explored the behavior of materials for the manufacture of overalls on the example of the professional activities of a locksmith to repair vehicles in the process of interaction with technical liquids such as gasoline, diesel fuel, mineral spirits and a variety of motor oils. As the result of study of the physical and mechanical properties of liquids, it was determined that the rate of spreading, penetration and absorption of the liquid fabric affect its density and viscosity. The dependence of the dynamics of penetration of fluids through the technical materials are determined that allow the right to determine the use of materials for special clothing. Statistical analysis allowed to determine the links between physical and mechanical properties of fluids. The findings suggest the presence of a significant relationship between the flow rates of fluids and viscous.

Author Biography

Микола Львович Рябчиков, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, Universitetskaya St. 16, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61003

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of technologies and design


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How to Cite

Рябчиков, М. Л. (2015). Dynamic penetration by liquids technical elements special clothing. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(4(25), 57–60. https://doi.org/10.15587/2312-8372.2015.50873



Technologies of food, light and chemical industry