Methods of obtaining bitumen from heavy oil processing residues
bitumen, heavy oil, oxidation, modification, tar, rubber crumbAbstract
The article describes several methods for solving urgent problems: obtaining the qualitative bituminous materials from unsuitable for recycling heavy oil processing residues. The work was carried out in three directions. The results of the study of the basic laws of oxidation of heavy oils processing residues showed that this method for obtaining the bitumen is failed. The basic laws of joint oxidation of tar from heavy Orkhovitsk oil with heavy pyrolysis resin and neutralized acid tar. It was shown that the method of co-oxidation of Orkhovitsk oil residue and 11-13 % masses of heavy pyrolysis resin at the temperature of 250 °С, air supply 2,5 h-1 during 6 hours allows obtaining the road bitumen of the grade BND 60/90 according to DSTU 4044-2001. The process of modification of residual bitumen derived from heavy Orkhovitsk oil by the Butonal latex and rubber crumb is described. It is established that the use of these modifiers makes it possible to improve the properties of bitumen obtained from heavy oils. The results, presented in this article, can be used in the development of industrial technology for obtaining the bitumen from heavy oil processing residues.
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