Development of adaptive control system of model of the robot-loader on the basis of Lego Mindstorms NXT
adaptability, control system, simulation, robot loaderAbstract
This article discusses the creation of an adaptive control system of model of the robot loader based on Lego Mindstorms NXT. The task of the robot loader: form a kit of parts based on certain criteria (color, shape, size) and deliver it to the specified point. Objects (details) spread in the subject area in a random order. Objects that do not meet certain criteria are considered to be an obstacle. The robot loader control system during simulation provides: collecting sets of parts based on certain criteria; path synthesis that avoid collisions with obstacles; movement of sets from the starting point to the finish point.
The functional diagram and algorithm of adaptive control system of model of the robot loader based on Lego Mindstorms NXT are developed. The speed and performance for the three ways to control the robot model are analyzed. It is recommended to ensure the performance transfer some control tasks from computer on the embedded processor of the robot.
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