Increased rigidity and technological possibilities of the spindle with pneumatic supports
spindle, air support, the groove of variable depth, geometrical parameters, stiffness, technological opportunityAbstract
This article presents the use of spindles on the conical air bearings in high-speed machines and the results of our research in this area. The main goal of the research is to develop methods and schemes for the collection, analysis, dissemination and use of knowledge about the possibilities of pneumatic supports from various sources to improve the technological capabilities of the spindles.
High-speed processing is widely used in many fields. Using this kind of processing allows to largely reduce the manufacturing costs and, along with this, to improve the cleanliness and accuracy by increasing the rigidity of the spindle.
The presented method allows you to quickly and accurately obtain important information (the result of) using the specified input and output characteristics of the projected processing.
The research results can be applied to process engineers involved in the field of high-speed processing, as well as to obtain accurate parameters without extra costs.
We offer the use of this methodology for the calculation of the technological capabilities of the spindle, as well as determine its stiffness, which allows to increase the rigidity depending on the input parameter of the air support.References
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