Detection methodology of chicken fat impurities in sunflower oil




forgery, sunflower oil, chicken fat, fatty acid, acyl glyceric composition, sterol fraction


The paper presents the results of a study of the possibility of using methods for determining the fatty acid, acyl glyceric and composition of sterol fraction to detect falsification of sunflower oil by chicken fat. It is analyzed the state of regulatory and scientific information on the methods of oil and fat identification and identified the need to establish regulations on melted chicken fat and its blends with sunflower oil. It is experimentally investigated the possibility of using methods for determining the fatty acid, acyl glyceric and composition of sterol fraction to detect falsification of sunflower oil by chicken fat. It is established and confirmed by the round of inter-laboratory testing of sunflower oil samples mixed with chicken fat that the main method to detect forgery is the method of determination of sterol fraction that allows detecting even the 0,5 % of sterol impurities of animal origin and additional method is the method of determining an individual acyl glyceric composition.

Author Biographies

Володимир Анатолійович Кіщенко, SE "Ukrmetrteststandard", 03143, Kyiv, street Metrology, 4

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of Research and Development Test Center Products

Ірина Володимирівна Левчук, SE "Ukrmetrteststandard", 03143, Kyiv, street Metrology, 4

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Scientific-Methodical Laboratories Chromatographic Studies

Ольга Валеріївна Голубець, SE "Ukrmetrteststandard", 03143, Kyiv, street Metrology, 4

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher

Scientific-Methodical Laboratory Chromatographic Studies

Валентина Кузьмівна Тимченко, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, street Frunze 21, Kharkiv, 61002

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Technology of Fats and Products of Fermentation

Катерина Вікторівна Куниця, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, street Frunze 21, Kharkiv, 61002

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Researcher

Department of Technology of Fats and Fermentation Products


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How to Cite

Кіщенко, В. А., Левчук, І. В., Голубець, О. В., Тимченко, В. К., & Куниця, К. В. (2015). Detection methodology of chicken fat impurities in sunflower oil. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(4(26), 4–8.



Technologies of food, light and chemical industry