Analysis of terms of forming of phases which condense on surface of silicic


  • Юрій Васильович Реков Zaporozhia state engineering academy, Ukraine



Silicon, condensation, steam and gas phase, crystalline phase


The physical and chemical analysis of formation of additional phases is resulted on the surface of the silicic bars. Formation of additional phases in a vacuum passes through the row of the stages which submit certain conformities to the law: evaporation, transfer of heat and condensation

Author Biography

Юрій Васильович Реков, Zaporozhia state engineering academy

Graduate student of department of metallurgy of the colored metals


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How to Cite

Реков, Ю. В. (2012). Analysis of terms of forming of phases which condense on surface of silicic. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(2(8), 19–20.



Industrial Technology