Investigation of prospects and problems of lean technologies introduction in Russian enterprises
lean management, lean manufacturing, cost minimization, introduction prospects, implementation issuesAbstract
The use of lean technologies as the key component of the concept of lean manufacturing is discussed in the article. The main aim of the work is the analysis of the theoretical foundations, basic principles and tools of lean management and evaluation of the prospects and obstacles encountered in the implementation of lean in manufacturing plants in Russia. The main result is the formulation of recommendations on the transition of Russian enterprises from traditional management to lean management.
Implementation and development of lean production technologies provides a number of advantages, such as: reduction of production losses, reduction of production costs, increasing productivity while reducing labor costs, improving product quality, increasing yield. The basic lean tools are discussed. The field of application and the place in the chain of measures to improve the processes and products of the company were defined. Key issues - constrained factors of the transition to the concept of lean manufacturing were identified. Research confirmed the importance of the sequence of steps in the lean implementation, the starting point for this is the request of the consumer market to the technical specifications and consumer products. The research results can be applied in business optimization processes through the introduction of lean technologies in manufacturing plants, retail and service sectors. The company offers to improve the competitiveness of the implement, change or improve its own production concept, based on the synergistic effect of the introduction of the integrated lean technology.
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