Characteristics of development models of services of filling stations network




services, filling station, classification of the services, classification features, development of the services, network


The literature focused on the analysis of the market of filling stations, as components of the market infrastructure, but little attention is paid to the development of filling stations network as an organization that operates on the basis of public utility. This utility is formed by the formation of different models and methods of services at filling stations network.

In the article it is considered the range of services provided by filling stations, which are located in areas with varying capacity of the market. Also it is analyzed the number of filling stations (complexes) in recent years of market stations.

The author has formed three classification criteria under which categorized types of services at the filling stations and conducted a detailed analysis of all offered types of services at filling stations networks. It is characterized totalitarian and democratic character of development management of filling stations network.

It is shown a graphical representation of the three levels of the hierarchy of filling station: low, medium and high. It is analyzed the priority of criteria by which consumers choose filling station.

Author Biography

Олена Петрівна Карпій, National University «Lviv Polytechnic», Stepan Bandera str., 12, Lviv


Department of Marketing and Logistics


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How to Cite

Карпій, О. П. (2016). Characteristics of development models of services of filling stations network. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(3(27), 49–53.