Classification of information for forecasting industrial enterprises activities




marketing information, information classification, forecasting subsystem, types of forecasts


The current rhythm of economic life of Ukraine requires from attention from enterprises in the forecasting consequences of the trends that emerged. Forecasts at the macro-, meso- and micro- levels in areas such as construction and production of building materials are the keys to their survival.

Building industry is always the first responding to both positive and negative trends in the economy, industry and construction materials directly related to the development of the building industry.

The article discusses the types of information that comes in subsystem for forecasting marketing information system for manufacturers of concrete and concrete products. Classification of information is given by: usage ready, presence of dynamics, trends in the dynamic ranks, sources, starting point. Depending on the type of information it is proved classification of the forecasts, which can be obtained (by the term of prediction, by the economy level, by the type of assessments).

Author Biography

Ірина Анатоліївна Педько, Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture, st. Didryhsona, 4, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of enterprise economics


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How to Cite

Педько, І. А. (2016). Classification of information for forecasting industrial enterprises activities. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(3(27), 80–83.