Development of methods of assessing the quality of fixed assets of hotel enterprises


  • Ірина Василівна Мустеца Chernivtsi Trade and Economics Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economics University, Central square 7, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58002, Ukraine



fixed assets, hotel enterprises, service quality, environmental criteria


The paper investigates the views of scientists on the assessing the quality of services provided by the hospitality industry. The author considers the principles of organization of internal space in the hotel enterprises and the influence of functional, environmental and aesthetic criteria to the quality of fixed assets in the hotel room.

Conducted research is necessary to determine the directions of reproduction of fixed assets in the hospitality industry with the aim of increasing their competitiveness on the European market of hotel services.

As a result of scientific research it is developed a quality map of the primary means of the hotel rooms, suggested factors of quality items and practice materials determined by the target values of the multiplicative coefficients that allow calculating the ratio of the integrated perception of quality items of fixed assets of the hotel rooms.

The proposed method allows taking into account the opinions of the clients, to determine enjoy the quality of fixed assets of the hotel rooms which is a key parameter for quality services. The obtained information gives the possibility to manage the reproduction and modernization of material and technical base of the hotel.

Author Biography

Ірина Василівна Мустеца, Chernivtsi Trade and Economics Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economics University, Central square 7, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58002

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Department of accounting and audit


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How to Cite

Мустеца, І. В. (2016). Development of methods of assessing the quality of fixed assets of hotel enterprises. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(3(27), 89–92.