Creativity formation as the basis for development of intellectual potential of economic systems




creativity, creative thinking, heuristics, ideas, ideas generation, trend analysis, expert and multivariate methods


The concept of creativity is studied in the article as the ability to be creative in terms of cognitive and behavioral characteristics of individuals and a factor of forming intellectual potential of the enterprise. Special attention to the concept of individual creativity is determined by the stage of generating ideas about formation of intellectual property. Generating ideas appears as an "ideas funnel", which clearly reflects the generation, identification and evaluation of ideas. Factors of creative thinking that lead to the generation of ideas are identified. Attention is focused on basic concepts of heuristics science that studies the artistic and creative thinking. Models of ideas selection techniques for their generation in terms of statistics and expert opinion are given. Graphical relationship between the number of generated ideas and the value of spending on the process of identification and generation is shown as the final stage of research.

Author Biographies

Наталя Ігорівна Козьмук, Lviv Educational and Scientific Institute of SHEE «Banking University», 79005, Ukraine, Lviv, Shevchenko ave. 9

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Finance and the Financial and Economic Security

Оксана Ігорівна Кліпкова, Lviv Academy of Commerce, st. Tugan-Baranovskу 10, Lviv, Ukraine, 79005

PhD student

Department of Economic Theory


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How to Cite

Козьмук, Н. І., & Кліпкова, О. І. (2016). Creativity formation as the basis for development of intellectual potential of economic systems. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(5(28), 10–13.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research