Analysis of business models and strategies of innovation development of logistics service providers




innovative logistics, business model, logistics service provider, integrated logistics strategy


As a result of synthesis of theoretical development of foreign and domestic scientists, ordering experience of international and national logistics companies, basic characteristics of typical business models of logistics operators are established, relationship of internal and external factors and their impact on the individualized business models and corresponding strategies for innovation are defined. Double-pyramid model of relationship of innovative development factors is proposed for logistics service providers, optimum combination of which allows individualized business model and strategy of the company. The necessity of coordination these factors with target strategic guidelines of logistics service customers and led to the idea and a roadmap for formation of integrated logistics strategies to integrate operational and administrative processes of suppliers and customers in the supply chain, and create cross-functional project teams that generate synergies of knowledge, ideas, processes and effects. It is proved that the new business models of various types of logistics service providers require extensive use of modern information and communication technologies and business tools in the electronic environment. The emergence of new mobile and cloud technologies, social networks and large volumes of structured and unstructured data resulted in the birth of a «new style of IT», which enhances the flexibility and speed of information sharing, formation of collective experience, operational detect problems and make right management decisions. The proposed structure of information support systems of inter-organizational and cross-functional interaction in the implementation of integrated logistics strategies of innovation development determines the level of intellectualization of logistics activities, possibility of coordination of logistics processes along the supply chain, harmonization of relations between partners and their mutual loyalty.

Author Biography

Марія Юріївна Григорак, National Aviation University, pr. Komarova, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of logistics


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How to Cite

Григорак, М. Ю. (2016). Analysis of business models and strategies of innovation development of logistics service providers. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(5(28), 29–38.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research