Organizational aspects of the integration of local company in the franchising network


  • Владислав Сергійович Хвостенко Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, ave. Nauky, 9a, Kharkiv, 61001, Ukraine
  • Олена Дем’янівна Литвиненко Kharkiv Trade and Economics Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economics University, lane O. Yarosha, 8, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Алла Валентинівна Махота Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, ave. Nauky, 9a, Kharkiv, 61001, Ukraine



company, franchise, franchise fees, franchise network, integration


Organizational and economic aspects of franchising as a form of creation and development of business are discussed in the article. The main aim of research is to develop the organizational procedures of the local enterprise entry - the franchisee - in the franchising network.

Organizational and economic aspects of franchising as a form of initiation and development of business on the basis of the legislative framework of franchising in Ukraine, analysis of practical information about franchising, financial and economic analysis of franchising subjects are discussed in the article.

Presented process of organizing the integration of local companies in the franchising network allows effectively organize the process and provides for consistent implementation of interrelated stages, which include: definition of the target species of the enterprise, choice of the franchisor, preliminary financial analysis of franchisee, approval of the business plan of joining the network, agreement of commercial concession and implementation of the business plan.

The authors propose to use implementation sequence of interrelated stages as part of the planned growth rates as the franchisee and the franchisor for effective integration into the franchise network of the local company.

The research results can be applied to different scale business entities, as a leading market and budding entrepreneurs, both national and foreign companies that conduct their business in the areas of: production, trade, catering and tourism business as well as personal services.

Author Biographies

Владислав Сергійович Хвостенко, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, ave. Nauky, 9a, Kharkiv, 61001

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Patent Agent

Department of Finance

Олена Дем’янівна Литвиненко, Kharkiv Trade and Economics Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economics University, lane O. Yarosha, 8, Kharkiv

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor

Department of Finance, Accounting and Auditing

Алла Валентинівна Махота, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, ave. Nauky, 9a, Kharkiv, 61001

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Patent Agent

Department of Finance


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How to Cite

Хвостенко, В. С., Литвиненко, О. Д., & Махота, А. В. (2016). Organizational aspects of the integration of local company in the franchising network. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(4(29), 31–36.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research