Investigation of adhesive properties of barrier-type geocement-based coatings
adhesion, atmospheric corrosion, geocement coating, metal substrate, rust converter, protective coating systemAbstract
The results of the adhesive test of the research object – barrier-type geocement-based coating applied to metal polymer film, formed as a result of redox reaction of «Contrrust» rust converter and metal corrosion products are shown in the article. Despite the diametrically opposite pH of the two substrates, traces of rejection coating on the film, detachment and blistering, peeling and other defects aren’t observed. The adhesive characteristics of the compositions included in the developed system of protective coating ««Contrrust» rust converter + barrier-type geocement-based coating» are determined: adhesive characteristics of the compositions included in the developed system of protective coatings: ««Contrrust» rust converter + barrier-type geocement-based coating»: adhesion for incision method of metal polymer film 117 microns thick to metal substrate is 1 point, and geocement coating to metal polymer film 550 and 168 microns thick is 3-4 and 1 point; adhesion for normal force separation method of metal polymer film 117 microns thick to the metal substrate is 1,8-6,1 MPa and barrier-type geocement-based coating applied to metal polymer film 550 microns thick is 1,7 MPa, which respectively in 3-10,2 and 2,83 times higher than regulations.
Adhesive bond of geocement coatings to the metal polymer film consisting of water-resistance chelate complexes is so large that facilitates the joint separation of the two protective compositions from the surface of the metal substrate. The combined use of the above mentioned compositions contributes to a significant reduction in costs both in preparation and in terms of the painting works for metal structures.
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