Modeling of the pricing process in the housing market by the methods of system dynamics
real estate market, system dynamics, pricing, modeling, simulation, predictionAbstract
The objects of the article are the pricing process in the housing market. Usually housing research uses a mix of statistical and econometric techniques, qualitative methods, large scale surveys, demographic forecasting and other modeling techniques. But now with increasing the rate of change of pricing factors statistical methods become ineffective.
In this paper we use methods of system dynamics to simulate housing pricing. The resulting model can be used to learn about relationship between the factors of housing market, and to predict it. For the housing market of Ukraine, such model is constructed for the first time.
The article proposes causal-loop models of housing pricing factors relationship, such as demand, supply, price and financial capabilities of buyers. Simulation model of housing pricing is proposed on this basis. The values of external factors model for Ukraine in 2000–2015 are found out. The effects of these factors on the housing price in Ukraine are analyzed.
Simulation experiment shows good agreement between the simulation results and the real housing price changes. Also, the model is successfully used to determine the estimated housing price in alternative evolution scenarios of this market.
Proposed simulation model allows pre-assessing the market response to changes in external factors which make it effective.
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