Investigation of the current state of isostatic graphite production technology
isostatic graphite, isostatic pressing, photogalvanic industry, heat-resistant material, coke-pitch compositionAbstract
The study of isostatic graphite production process and its development trends in the world market was conducted.
It was established that the isostatic graphite production is a complex and multistage process that requires careful preparation of raw materials, the usage of powerful specialized pressing equipment, the use of elaborate heat treatment modes etc. As a result, it creates a high final price comparing to other brands of graphite materials.
Methods of synthesis, analysis and systematization of available information regarding the isostatic graphite production were used for the study.
The peculiarities of foreign isostatic graphite production technology were determined, which allows to set directions of improvement by Ukrainian producers, namely:
- choice of components and their composition for coke and pitch mixture;
- adding special modifiers;
- optimization of particle size distribution of the filler;
- setting the pressure for pressing moulding powder;
- choice of modes of blanks thermal processing etc.
The level of future growth in global demand is determined for isostatic graphite materials and products based on it, which is more than 5 % of the annual global volume of production.
The results enable further research in order to develop equipment and rational modes of grinding, mixing and pressing coke-pitch compositions using available Ukrainian brand coke and pitch. Furthermore, it will allow in the future to conduct a study of pressed billets heat treatment to reduce the unit cost of electricity and improve the process of isostatic graphite material manufacturing.
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