Development of technological support of qualitative threaded joints of parts made of aluminum alloys
technological process, threaded joint, aluminum alloy, gas and shrinkage porosity, deforming toolAbstract
Analysis of existing technological processes of manufacturing parts and assembly of hermetic threaded joints in pneumatic equipment reveals the main factors that determine the quality and productivity of the hole machining. It is shown that for such processes as maintenance of the necessary performance characteristics of the joints, it is necessary to control the parameters of the state of the surface layer in the process of their manufacturing. It is also necessary to be able to calculate them at the design stage of the technological process.
Research results of the technological properties of AK12M2 aluminum alloy obtained by die casting are given, namely, modeling of the surface plastic deformation (SPD) of AK12M2 cast aluminum alloy. Also, the properties of the surface before and after SPD and the effect of the deformation angle are compared, taking into account the number of SPD cycles for the surface quality.
An analytical and experimental study of machining method of threaded holes with the use of a deforming tool is carried out, taking into account the modeling of the shaping process of inch threads in blind holes by a deforming tool. Formation of a dense surface layer from the porous structure of the material is investigated as an option to increase the tightness. The constructive and technological parameters of the deforming tool for blind holes for pipe cylindrical threads (up to 2") in parts made of aluminum alloys with gas and shrinkage porosity are developed. A possibility of providing a qualitative surface layer of blind holes after PPD of AK12M2 alloy due to the application of a deforming tool in the technological process machining is theoretically proved. New tool designs and practical recommendations on the selection of machining regimes are proposed, ensuring the number of loading cycles – 12–13, the deformation angle – 4 degrees, the deformation rate – ζ=3.77 m/min with a cross-feed rate – S=0.05 mm/rev. A comparison of the quality of threaded joints, obtained by the basic and new machining method and evaluation of economic efficiency is carried out. This allows to reduce the technological cost and obtain economic benefit by reducing the labor intensity of machining and the cost of tools and process fluids.
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