Integration on effective management of industrial enterprises on lean principles




lean production, lean production method, integration of methods, synergy effect, industrial enterprise


The article deals with the methods of managing an industrial enterprise in their interaction, taking into account the focus of the result within the introduction of the concept of lean production.

Based on the analysis and generalization of scientific developments, the set of the most recognized and actively introduced methods of lean production is established by the frequency of mentions by foreign and domestic specialists: SOP, Kanban, JIT, 5 S, VSM, Visual Management, TPM, SMED, Kaizen, Poka-Yoke, Jidoka (another name is autonomation), Heijuka, Andon, 5 W, Team work. The relevance of their separate introduction through the achievement of the result of practical use aimed at reducing costs/losses in the value flow; increase in the effectiveness of the use of limited resources, identification of the causes of inefficient work; justification and adoption of managerial decisions with a focus on satisfying the customer's needs for finished products are disclosed.

For long-term success it is advisable to consider the use of integration of methods of the lean production concept, which provides a targeted integrated approach to justification and the adoption of well-balanced management decisions aimed at obtaining a synergistic effect on a continuous basis. The combination of methods in various combinations for efficient control of production capacities is justified (5 S + TPM + SMED, 5 S + TPM + SMED + Jidoka, 5 S + TPM + SMED + SOP + JIT + Poka-Yoke), material flow (5 S + SOP + JIT + VSM + Poka-Yoke, 5 S + JIT + Andon + Heijunka), document management and internal regulations (5 S + SOP + VSM + Poka-Yoke, 5 S + SOP + Kaizen). The types of synergies (social, market, financial, economic, innovative, personnel, organizational) are justified as a result of strengthening the effect of individual methods in a different combination.

It is advisable to apply the results of research practically to solve the problems of managing an industrial enterprise for technological development, organizational effectiveness, and social responsibility.

Author Biography

Iryna Kolos, National University of Food Technologies, 68, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01033

PhD, Associate Professor, Certified Accounting Practitioner

Department of Accounting and Auditing


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How to Cite

Kolos, I. (2017). Integration on effective management of industrial enterprises on lean principles. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(4(36), 28–33.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research