Investigation of the underwriting process in facultative reinsurance, its features and influence on balance of insurance portfolio




underwriting, reinsurance, facultative reinsurance, obligatory reinsurance, incoming reinsurance, outgoing reinsurance


The aim of the article is research of the underwriting procedure in facultative reinsurance, its features and impact on balancing the insurer's insurance portfolio that allows to disclose the system of economic relations in underwriting in facultative reinsurance and to explore the interests of the parties in organizing reinsurance protection.

This issue is little investigated and relevant to insurers, as it affects the financial stability and balance of the insurance portfolio.

The analysis allows to draw a conclusion about its necessity and influence on the balance of the insurance portfolio of the insurer, to determine the definition of certain business processes for incoming and outgoing reinsurance, to identify economic relationships in the process of underwriting in facultative reinsurance and to highlight the interests of its main participants (assignor and reinsurer).

The conclusion is made about the effect of underwriting in facultative reinsurance on the balance of the insurance portfolio.

Conclusions and suggestions on the research results are of theoretical and applied importance, both for the scientific sphere and for use in the insurance company's risk management system.

Author Biography

Vitaliy Andrushchenko, JSC «Indigo Insurance Company», 55-К, Khoryv str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04071

Director of Underwriting and Reinsurance Department


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How to Cite

Andrushchenko, V. (2017). Investigation of the underwriting process in facultative reinsurance, its features and influence on balance of insurance portfolio. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(5(36), 50–54.



Problems of Macroeconomics and Socio-Economic Development: Original Research