Statistical method for scientific projects risk assessment


  • Дмитро Іванович Бедрій Cherkasy State Technological University, 18006, Cherkasy. bul. , 460; Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Radio and Television, 65026, Odessa, st. Bunin, 31, Ukraine



mathematical and statistical methods, statistical method, risk evaluation, risks, research project


This article discusses the use of statistical methods for risk evaluation of the scientific institutions activity in the public sector of the Ukrainian economy in the process of planning and execution of scientific projects, some of the results of our research in this area are presented. The main objective of the study is to determine the possibility of using the statistical method in the process of evaluation of the research projects risks. The use of risk evaluation methods allows the manager and the team of research projects to collect and analyze statistical information concerning the identification of the probability of risky situations obtained in the process of planning and execution of previous research projects,  and which deals with the execution of projects with the necessary material and technical resources and performers. This article presents the results of the author’s research in previous works using the statistical method of the research projects risk evaluation to figure out the possibility of risks affecting these projects. The presented method enables to process the information on scientific projects using conventional statistical techniques to analyze the results of the projects planning and execution. The method was designed for the appropriate and qualitative development of management proposals for the further decision-making in the process of planning and execution of research projects. The research results can be applied by the managers of research projects, scientists and experts in the field of research projects execution.

Author Biography

Дмитро Іванович Бедрій, Cherkasy State Technological University, 18006, Cherkasy. bul. , 460; Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Radio and Television, 65026, Odessa, st. Bunin, 31

Department of Project Management;
Head of Department
The economics department


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How to Cite

Бедрій, Д. І. (2013). Statistical method for scientific projects risk assessment. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(1(12), 6–8.