Electrodynamic energy in spherical nanoparticles layered


  • Лілія Володимирівна Породько Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 03164 Ukraine, Kyiv. General Naumov, 17, Ukraine
  • Леонід Борисович Лерман Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 03164 Ukraine, Kyiv. General Naumov, 17, Ukraine




nanoparticles, radial symmetry, translational matrix, integral transformations


In the electrostatic approximation considered layered spherical nanoparticle interaction with electromagnetic radiation. The distribution of the fields in the layers with the application of translational matrix is shown. Determined the intensity of energy released due to the presence of losses. The problem considered in radial symmetry. For a homogeneous field acting along one of the axes of symmetry in globular particle squared electric intensity is expressed in two terms proportional to Legendre polynomials.

Nanoparticles have unique optical properties, and because of their size opening up broad prospects for their use in various fields of science and technology. Now researchers attracted much attention so-called bimetallic nanoparticles composed of silver and gold core shell, or vice versa. By changing the content of gold and silver in these particles it is possible to control the frequency plasmons in surfactant and intensity of absorption. This is because the frequency of the surface plasmon of gold and silver significantly separated in the optical range and the absorption of silver nanoparticles is much more than gold.

Author Biographies

Лілія Володимирівна Породько, Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 03164 Ukraine, Kyiv. General Naumov, 17

Graduate student

Department of "Theory of Nanostructured Systems"

Леонід Борисович Лерман, Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 03164 Ukraine, Kyiv. General Naumov, 17

PhD, Senior Researcher

Department of "Theory of Nanostructured Systems"


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How to Cite

Породько, Л. В., & Лерман, Л. Б. (2013). Electrodynamic energy in spherical nanoparticles layered. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(1(14), 41–44. https://doi.org/10.15587/2312-8372.2013.19549



Technology audit