Research of nonlinear dynamic deformation of spatial bodies with cracks
dynamic load, finite element model, stationary cracks, fracture mechanics parameters.Abstract
The object of research is the process of dynamic interaction of a complex system of cyclically symmetric parts of the support joint, taking into account the presence of stationary cracks. A significant number of structural elements and parts operated under dynamic loads are characterized by the occurrence and propagation of cracks in areas of significant plastic deformation. In particular, for the supporting device, it is a cyclically symmetric body with a limiting case of heterogeneity, under the action of pulsed loads, plastic flow zones arise at the boundaries of the joints of the cylindrical part with projections. If there are cracks in these areas, it becomes necessary to reliably determine the fracture parameters and predict the crack growth over time.
To build models of this class of objects, one of the most universal and reliable numerical methods is the semi-analytical finite element method.
In this paper, the results of calculating of the parameters of fracture mechanics on the basis of the semi-analytical method of finite elements are presented for an object with inhomogeneous physical and mechanical properties in the presence of stationary cracks under conditions of pulsed loading and plastic deformations. The numerical study is performed in two stages. At the first stage, the laws of the elastic-plastic dynamic deformation of the system are established. The most probable zones of damage accumulation and cracking are determined, which is the reason for the failure of structural elements. At the second stage, a model with a crack located in the zone of plastic deformations is considered, the calculated values of the dynamic stress intensity factors are studied, and their evolution over time is investigated.
The obtained research results can be used in numerous calculations of inhomogeneous bodies with damage such as cracks in the conditions of elastic-plastic dynamic deformations.
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