Models of diagnosing gas analytical systems and increasing their reliability
methodology of diagnosis, multi-channel gas analytical systems, measurement data, microprocessor systems (MPS)Abstract
The methodology of diagnosing multichannel gas analytical systems (GAS) has been considered, and their operational efficiency has been estimated. The causes of measurement data losses have been analyzed. Modern multichannel GASs are based on the microprocessor systems (MPS), which possess significant options of automating and optimizing the measurement process, and allow processing data rapidly. Therefore, for improving the value of W(t), reducing GAS maintenance costs and using MPS effectively, the organization of GAS self-diagnosis becomes economically viable and technically reasonable.
The method of estimating the recovery time of a gas analytical system has been proposed. The dependences of a test signal influence on an output signal of the gas analyzer have been given. A significant aspect of constructing analyzers with test signals is the question of existence, shape and duration of a test gas pulse signal in various pipelines. The solution of a test signal distribution equitation as impurities through pipelines, can serve as the answer to it. The comparison of test and functional diagnosis has been carried out, and average temporal characteristics of operation and restoration of systems have been determined.References
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