Determination of the dynamic load of the carrying structure of the hopper wagon with the actual dimensions of structural elements
hopper wagon, supporting structure, dynamic loading, service life, railway transport, transport mechanicsAbstract
The object of research is the supporting structure of the pellet wagon with the actual dimensions of the supporting elements. One of the most problematic areas is the determination of the indicators of dynamics and strength of the supporting structure of the hopper wagon with the actual dimensions of the structural elements.
A study of the dynamic loading of the supporting structure of the hopper wagon was carried out. At the same time, the actual dimensions of the structural elements were determined by means of field studies. Mathematical modeling of the dynamic loading of the load-carrying structure of a hopper wagon with the actual dimensions of structural elements was carried out by means of mathematical modeling. The studies were carried out in a flat coordinate system. The presence of three degrees of freedom of the supporting structure of the hopper wagon was taken into account: vibrations of twitching, bouncing and galloping. Differential equations were solved in the MathCad software package. In doing so, they were reduced to the Cauchy normal form, and then integrated using the Runge-Kutta method. It was found that the maximum value of the acceleration acting on the supporting structure of the hopper wagon is 38.5 m/s2, which is 2.7% higher than the acceleration of the supporting structure with nominal dimensions.
Computer simulation of the dynamic loading of the supporting structure of the hopper wagon was carried out. The calculation was carried out using the finite element method in the SolidWorks Simulation (CosmosWorks) software package. It was found that the maximum accelerations are concentrated in the middle part of the supporting structure of the hopper wagon and amount to 36.2 m/s2. The F-criterion was used to verify the developed model. The calculations showed that the calculated value of the criterion is Fc = 1.09 and is less than the table value Ft = 3.29. The adequacy hypothesis is not rejected.
The natural frequencies and vibration modes of the hopper wagon supporting structure were determined. It has been established that the values of natural vibration frequencies of the hopper wagon bearing structure with the actual dimensions of the structural elements are within the permissible limits.
The research will contribute to the creation of relevant developments to extend the service life of wagons that have exhausted their standard resource, as well as to increase the efficiency of railway transport operation.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Oleksij Fomin, Alyona Lovska , Pavel Skok , Ivan Rogovskii

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