Effects of the rate of natural gas production on the recovery factor during carbon dioxide injection at the initial gas-water contact





3D model of the field, gas condensate reservoir, water drive, residual gas, injection of carbon dioxide


The object of research is gas condensate reservoirs, which is being developed under the conditions of the manifestation of the water drive of development and the negative effect of formation water on the process of natural gas production. The results of the performed theoretical and experimental studies show that a promising direction for increasing hydrocarbon recovery from fields at the final stage of development is the displacement of natural gas to producing wells by injection non-hydrocarbon gases into productive reservoirs. The final gas recovery factor according to the results of laboratory studies in the case of injection of non-hydrocarbon gases into productive reservoirs depends on the type of displacing agent and the level heterogeneity of reservoir. With the purpose update the existing technologies for the development of fields in conditions of the showing of water drive, the technology of injection carbon dioxide into productive reservoirs at the boundary of the gas-water contact was studied using a digital three-dimensional model of a gas condensate deposit. The study was carried out for various values of the rate of natural gas production. The production well rate for calculations is taken at the level of 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 thousand m3/day. Based on the data obtained, it has been established that an increase in the rate of natural gas production has a positive effect on the development of a productive reservoir and leads to an increase in the gas recovery factor. Based on the results of statistical processing of the calculated data, the optimal value of the rate of natural gas production was determined when carbon dioxide is injected into the productive reservoir at the boundary of the gas-water contact is 55.93 thousand m3/day. The final gas recovery factor for the optimal natural gas production rate is 64.99 %. The results of the studies carried out indicate the technological efficiency of injecting carbon dioxide into productive reservoirs at the boundary of the gas-water contact in order to slow down the movement of formation water into productive reservoirs and increase the final gas recovery factor.

Author Biography

Serhii Matkivskyi, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas; Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Natural Gas

Postgraduate Student

Department of Petroleum Production

Head of Department

Hydrocarbon Fields Development Planning Department


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How to Cite

Matkivskyi, S. (2021). Effects of the rate of natural gas production on the recovery factor during carbon dioxide injection at the initial gas-water contact. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(3(57), 6–11. https://doi.org/10.15587/2706-5448.2021.225603



Chemical and Technological Systems: Original Research