Development of the method for determining the efficiency of decentralized heating system
decentralized heating system, energy source, heat consumer, system COPAbstract
The main purpose of heating systems is to provide heat consumers with energy of the relevant parameters, therefore, selecting the optimal energy sources is the actual task today. The analysis and the method for calculating the efficiency of decentralized heating system, which consists of the heat generation source, heating pipelines and heat consumer are considered in the paper. The method for calculating the efficiency of decentralized heating system, based on which changes in the coefficient of performance (COP) of boilers and generating facility were experimentally determined taking into account the useful heat of exhaust gases and useful heat in the environment for various types of boilers and their location is developed. In addition, it is shown that with the decentralized system, it is necessary to consider not only the COP of the generating facility, but also the loss of heat energy that can be partially used by heat consumer depending on its location. The method can be used in calculating the effectiveness and economic efficiency of decentralized heating system and designing new heat-energy facilities.References
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