Consideration of the issue of regulating low-frequency vibrations of the drill string when drilling with a downhole motor




drill string, downhole motor, bit, low-frequency oscillations, oscillatory processes, hole deepening


The object of research is the dynamic processes that occur in the drill string during the deepening of the hole in deep wells. The work is aimed at solving the problem for an idealized system in the form of rod systems while preserving its main oscillatory properties.

The nature of oscillatory processes that occur in the drill string during drilling with downhole motors is considered, in some cases it turns out to be very complicated. In the general case, the dynamic process changes according to an aperiodic law, which is superimposed by processes of an oscillating nature with an increasing (damping) nature of the amplitudes of different frequencies.

The influence of the torque characteristics of the downhole motor and bit on the development of oscillatory processes in the drill string during well drilling has been theoretically determined.

The results of theoretical and experimental studies of oscillatory processes and their interaction with the use of proposed models of hole deepening in the future make it possible to create a simulation model. This model would include taking into account the mode parameters of drilling, the mechanical properties of the rocks to be drilled and the layout of the drill string bottom (DSB).

The obtained research results can be applied in practice in the process of designing the structure of the drill string bottom (DSB) with the use of downhole motors, in particular, screw motors, the use of which leads to energy stress, the complication of work processes and structural schemes. As a result, the nature of vibrations changes and the vibration loads on parts of the downhole motor, bits and elements of the drill string are reduced.

In the future, it is necessary to take into account the hydrodynamics and the type, as well as the design and parameters of the applied downhole elements for the development of their dynamic models.

Author Biographies

Viktor Svitlytskyi, Odesa National University of Technology

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Oil and Gas Technologies, Engineering and Heat Power Engineering

Sergii Iagodovskyi, PJSC «DEWON»

PhD, Chairman of Board

Tetiana Sahala, Odesa National University of Technology

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Oil and Gas Technologies, Engineering and Heat Power Engineering


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Consideration of the issue of regulating low-frequency vibrations of the drill string when drilling with a downhole motor




How to Cite

Svitlytskyi, V., Iagodovskyi, S., & Sahala, T. (2024). Consideration of the issue of regulating low-frequency vibrations of the drill string when drilling with a downhole motor. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(1(76), 57–61.



Technology and System of Power Supply