Experience and effectiveness of the no-loft linking shape and dimension method using laser optical systems in aircraft production
accuracy of aircraft contours, laser means of inspection, aggregate digital mock-up, no-loft assembly method, laser tracker, aircraft levelingAbstract
The object of research is the application of the no-loft linking shapes and dimension method using laser measuring tools to reduce the labor intensity and cycle of mounting work. The study of the accuracy of the geometric parameters of cantilever wing and technological equipment at various stages of production was carried out. The problem is to create a method of using laser optical systems in aircraft production at the stage of mounting of technological equipment to minimize the impact on the accuracy of the dimensions of assembled parts of aggregates. The following results were obtained: the advantages of using the no-loft linking method in the modern production of aviation equipment were analyzed, which makes it possible to reduce the preparation cycle by 2–3 times. A study was conducted on the effective use of the Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) of laser tracker in the manufacture of the cantilever wing (CW) of the AN series airplane at all stages of mounting, as well as on the accuracy inspection of geometric parameters in comparison with the theoretical master geometry (MG).
The practical significance of the research is that the proposed method of using laser optical systems during the installation of equipment allows to reduce to a minimum the impact on the accuracy of low rigidity frames. And also, to reduce the equipment deformation due to the mass of the parts of the assembled aggregates and temperature deformations, which allows to ensure a reduction of the mounting error to ±0.1 mm. Also, the application of this technique allows to enter the plane's coordinate system without prior leveling, to mounting and inspection the installation of the wing, fin, stabilizer, engines and landing gear on the fuselage. In general, the application of the no-loft linking shape and dimension method with using laser optical systems in aircraft production allows to reduce the labor intensity and cycle of mounting work up to 10 times.
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