Determination of the characteristics of drill string vibrations during the drilling process




well drilling, drill string, vibration reliability, hydrodynamic cavitation, cavitation generator design


The object of research is vibration processes of a certain origin in the drill string with typical design deviations depending on the mode parameters of drilling. A drill string is an oscillating system with an infinite number of degrees of freedom of a multifactor system. An exhaustive study of oscillatory processes in the drill string is impossible neither analytically nor experimentally, due to the specifics of the hole deepening in various rocks, the design of the well, its shape, etc. Therefore, in practice, they try to solve the problems of the dynamics of the drill string for an idealized system and, while preserving the main oscillatory properties, solve some problems of the rod system. The work carried out was aimed at experimental studies of vibrations of the drill string during the drilling process.

It is shown that the effectiveness of the use of hydrodynamic cavitation requires the development of methods and devices for intensifying the well drilling process. It is proven that the design of the cavitation generator organically fits into the existing well drilling equipment and allows for the intensification of technological processes with lower specific energy consumption. It is found that all oscillatory processes that occur in the drill string are random in nature and must be considered using the mathematical apparatus of the theory of random oscillations.

The study of vibrations during well drilling shows that vibrations can be considered as random stationary processes, since transient modes have a sufficiently short duration for homogeneous rocks with fixed drilling modes. The analysis of the vibrations of the drill string elements based on random oscillations in a number of cases allows to increase the reliability of determining the vibration reliability of the drill string elements. It has been proven that the response of drill string elements to broadband random vibration can be defined as the combined effect of several narrowband random vibrations.

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Titlov, Odesa National University of Technology

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Oil and Gas Technologies, Engineering and Heat Power Engineering

Viktor Svitlytskyi, Odesa National University of Technology

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Oil and Gas Technologies, Engineering and Heat Power Engineering

Sergii Iagodovskyi, PJSC «DEWON»

PhD, Chairman of Board


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Determination of the characteristics of drill string vibrations during the drilling process




How to Cite

Titlov, O., Svitlytskyi, V., & Iagodovskyi, S. (2024). Determination of the characteristics of drill string vibrations during the drilling process. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(1(77), 53–60.



Technology and System of Power Supply