Development of lock-free approach for shared memory organisation in real-time multi-threading applications




multi-threading, dynamic memory allocation, real-time systems, lock-free algorithms, game engine, high-performance computing


The development vector of modern central processing units, which increasingly involves using a more significant number of cores and prioritizing parallelism over the high power of a single computational unit, presents new challenges for the existing software design. This work investigates and addresses the problem of access to shared memory in multithreaded environments, such as operating systems, interactive distributed computing systems, and high-performance simulation systems. Thus, the object of study is a non-blocking approach to organizing access to memory and performing basic operations with it through non-blocking synchronization.

The research methods include developing an approach to organizing access to shared memory using the double-word compare-and-swap algorithm, followed by a theoretical and practical comparison of the resulting outcome with the standard blocking access algorithm to shared memory for different configurations of the number of threads and the number of simultaneous memory access attempts. Additionally, testing was conducted within the framework of an unnamed closed-source project by integrating the solution into it, followed by A/B testing.

The results showed that using non-blocking approaches is advisable, especially in comparison with locking approaches, which demonstrated a performance degradation relative to the standard allocation algorithm by more than 300 %, while non-blocking approaches provided an improvement of 40–90 %. It was also found that using hybrid approaches to the organization of shared memory systems at the software level can lead to more stable results and mitigate application performance degradation compared to classical approaches such as buddy algorithms or free lists.

Despite the results obtained, the author remains cautious about the idea of memory management and pool organization at the software level and does not recommend using specialized allocation algorithms without an urgent need to speed up memory allocation itself. The purpose of these structures is still not to improve software performance directly but to enhance and speed up access to the data stored in them.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Syrotiuk, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

PhD Student

Department of System Design


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Development of lock-free approach for shared memory organisation in real-time multi-threading applications




How to Cite

Syrotiuk, O. (2024). Development of lock-free approach for shared memory organisation in real-time multi-threading applications. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(2(78), 6–11.



Information Technologies