Research algorithm development of strengthening possibility of emergency firmness of belt conveyor units


  • Николай Александрович Киктев National University of Life and Environmental Sciences, Heroes of Defense str., 15, Kiev, 03041, Ukraine



conveyor, parameters, stability, unit, characteristics, algorithm software


The article is devoted to development of algorithms and software for research of strengthening possibility of emergency firmness of belt conveyor units. The material of the article is a part of the research of the structures of mine belt conveyors from the point of view of operation safety of units and components of the development requirements for their design. It is formalized one of the stages of mine conveyors designing - research of strengthening possibility of emergency firmness of belt conveyor units. It is developed the visual form of user interface based on the example of the basic parameters of the mine conveyor, which is created in the programming language Delphi. To automate the calculation of these parameters of conveyor used programming language Delphi, developed by the visual forms of the algorithm for calculating the gain traction, strength of belt, traction factor, probability of emergency danger and heat transfer equation.

Author Biography

Николай Александрович Киктев, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences, Heroes of Defense str., 15, Kiev, 03041

Ph.D., assistant

Department of automation and robotic systems


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How to Cite

Киктев, Н. А. (2014). Research algorithm development of strengthening possibility of emergency firmness of belt conveyor units. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(3(20), 48–50.



Information technology and control systems