Selection and justification of criteria for evaluating the efficiency of a wireless information system
mathematical model, criteria of evaluating efficiency of a designed system, vector optimizationAbstract
The paper suggests criteria for assessing the quality of a wireless information system under design using broadband technology. On the basis of activity-based costing, a set of criteria describing the solution is divided into two subsets: the technical criteria reflecting the parametric side of the designed system; economic ones, which characterize the expenditure for the design, creation and maintenance of the designed system. The proposed criteria for evaluating effectiveness are formalized, which allowed them to be applied with the proposed design method based on multi-criteria optimization method one can solve the analysis of different variants of design solutions. A mathematical model of designing a wireless information system, which is represented by a number of conditions – limitations is suggested. With the proposed design method based on multi-criteria optimization method one can solve the problem of choosing the optimal infrastructure of the wireless information system with high demands to the structural secrecy, confidentiality and reliability of information. This will speed up the process of designing such systems.
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