Risk and damages assessment of industrial objects by structural and logic decomposition of enterprises





risk assessment, industrial damage, systems engineering, energy and entropy concept


It is shown the sequence of application of systems engineering in the analysis of possible accidents in industrial plants, when a failure in one of the subsystems can serve as a "trigger" to the emergence and development of the accident in the other subsystem.

System analysis and modeling of basic processes in the technosphere are particularly relevant at the moment, when a high degree of deterioration of power and technological equipment lead to accidents with consequences that difficult to predict. The current crisis situation in matters of accident and injury due not only to poor safety culture and technological personnel indiscipline, but constructive imperfections and more deterioration of industrial equipment. Research of risk and safety are affected, primarily due to lack of a unified and coordinated methodology. Using different methods and criteria leads to sub-optimal decision-making, economic costs and imminent risk of major accidents.

As the basic scientific method with further study the risks and damages in industrial enterprises (IE) are used the systems engineering and energy and entropy concept that considers the incident as an unwanted release of energy or harmful substances that accumulate in technological objects. In this case, the IE as the "man-machine-environment" system is man-made damage as a result of an accidental release, transformation, distribution and devastating impact on the resources of IE (including and human).

Author Biographies

Виктория Алексеевна Годик, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Nemirovitcha-Danchenka str., 2, Kyiv, 01011

Assistant, PhD student

Department of metrology, standardization and certification

Анатолий Семенович Зенкин, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Nemirovitcha-Danchenka str., 2, Kyiv, 01011

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,

Member of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, President of the Association of production engineers of Ukraine

Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine

Department of metrology, standardization and certification

Виктор Иванович Тарадай, LLC «NIK», A. Saburova str., 18, of. 107, Kyiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Scientific consultant in power engineering, energy-saving and industrial safety


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How to Cite

Годик, В. А., Зенкин, А. С., & Тарадай, В. И. (2014). Risk and damages assessment of industrial objects by structural and logic decomposition of enterprises. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(1(20), 31–35. https://doi.org/10.15587/2312-8372.2014.34783