Analysis of the adequacy of the finite element model of sintering process of the iron ore charge




segregation, simulation model, model adequacy, thermal regime, layer horizon, charge


The analysis of the current state of the problem of modeling the sintering process is conducted and weaknesses in existing numerical models are identified. The simulation results of the sintering process burden on the author’s developed finite element thermal model of the sintering process, taking into account segregation processes in the layer of feed material, namely the distribution of fuel and chemical compounds by height of layer.

The results of simulation and field experiment conducted in the experimental device of sinter plant IC "Zaporizhstal" (Ukraine) are analyzed for the sintering conditions on the existing sinter machine № 1, confirmed the adequacy of the presented model.

Simulation error is 2,61 % that indicates the possibility of using this model to conduct numerical experiments to manage segregation of charge materials and fuel in order to optimize the thermal regime of the sintering process.

Author Biographies

Антон Сергеевич Мных, Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy, Lenina 226, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69007

Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Science

Department of Electrical Engineering and Energy Management

Михаил Юрьевич Пазюк, Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy, Lenina 226, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69007

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Automated Process Control

Ирина Николаевна Мных, Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy, Lenina 226, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69007

Candidate of Technical Science

Department of Thermal Energy


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How to Cite

Мных, А. С., Пазюк, М. Ю., & Мных, И. Н. (2015). Analysis of the adequacy of the finite element model of sintering process of the iron ore charge. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(1(21), 22–25.