The study of the dynamics of the process of forming a layer of aglomeration mixture prepared for sintering




segregation, agglomeration, feeding chute, thermal regime, horizon layer, charge


A study of the dynamics of the formation of polydisperse layer of feedstock material loaded on pallets of sintering machine is conducted in this article on example of the system «feeder – straight feeding chute».

The author proposes a technique which allows to calculate the distribution of the fractional composition of the charge adjustment layer, as well as a set range of parameters of considered chute for its efficient operation. Thus, it is defined a critical angle of the chute in which violated segregation processes in the feed material.

The calculation of the distribution of fractions of polydisperse sinter charge in the case of using the straight feeding chute. It was found that the chute of similar design is very bad for the sintering conditions of sinter mix in the upper layers.

This is made a prerequisite to the selection of the type of feeding device, capable of providing the required segregation of the material fractions.

Author Biography

Антон Сергеевич Мных, Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy, Lenina 226, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69007

Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Science

Department of Electrical Engineering and Energy Management


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How to Cite

Мных, А. С. (2015). The study of the dynamics of the process of forming a layer of aglomeration mixture prepared for sintering. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(1(22), 39–42.