Diagnosis of certain diseases and the design of the instrument for it, based on the spectral analysis of human muscles microwaves


  • Олександр Вікторович Ярочкін Moscow State Technical University “MIREA”, Russian Federation




Tremor, spectral analysis, fast Fourier transform


The article describes the results of the work on the investigation microwaves of human arms (tremor) and construction of device for their research is proposed. The results are showed and analyzed

Author Biography

Олександр Вікторович Ярочкін, Moscow State Technical University “MIREA”

Graduate student of Department Mathematics


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How to Cite

Ярочкін, О. В. (2012). Diagnosis of certain diseases and the design of the instrument for it, based on the spectral analysis of human muscles microwaves. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(4(8), 25–26. https://doi.org/10.15587/2312-8372.2012.5641



Systems and Control Processes