Necessity research of using program-target methods of planning in management of development of industrial production




planning, program, program-target method, program-target planning, management, manufacturing


The basic theoretical aspects of program-target method of planning were considered as an element of management in the article. As a primary there was fulfilled the analysis of existing theoretical positions respectively on program of planning as reflected in the works of national and foreign authors.

The research of theoretical foundations found that today there was not a single point of view about efficiency of methods of program-oriented planning and its clear definition.

The author evaluated the nature, objectives and main tasks of program planning, determined and summarized logical scheme of the program and target planning. It is determined that such a scheme «goals – ways – tools» is based on the objectives established ways how to achieve them, and they bind ways and consistent with the necessary means costs of economic resources, including time. Join of goals, ways and means of achieving is embodied in a program of action in accordance with the intended goals. The presence of such a program indicates the way, terms and resource’s cost of achieving these goals. This is the main feature of the program of target planning. Hence, the feature of this method of planning is not just a predict of future of system’s states and drawing up specific programs to achieve of the desired results.

In practice of national experts there are many examples of the program development at the macro level but the data of applications and most important data of effectiveness in industrial production are missed.

According to the research it is established that the use of program-target method of planning is necessary to implement to the system of management of development of industrial enterprises.

The use of program planning will prevent many mistakes in planning and reduce the risk of production’s losses in a crisis.

Author Biography

Марина Олександрівна Акулюшина, Odessa National Polytechnic University, ave. Shevchenko 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65001

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Management



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How to Cite

Акулюшина, М. О. (2016). Necessity research of using program-target methods of planning in management of development of industrial production. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(3(27), 93–96.