Social security research in a context of welfare state priorities: foreign approaches




social security, social policy, social protection, Copenhagen School, Paris School


The issues of social security at the level of individual nation-states and the world community in general were highlighted especially in the beginning of XXI century under the influence of political, economic and military challenges and threats. The article deals with the problem of social security as a welfare state priority in a global world. Author of the article discussed different approaches of social security phenomenon in theoretical aspects. Author of the article try to understand differences between Copenhagen and Paris school approaches on social security problem with connection of indicators of social expenditures and Social Progress Index (SPI). The result of research is the found positive relationship between social expenditures and social progress in different countries. Social security system is more developed in countries with high level of social expenditures and stimulates social progress. The results of research can be useful in discourse of social security progress in a context of social policy and social progress on national and global levels. 

Author Biography

Тетяна Ігорівна Длугопольська, Ternopil National Economic University, Lvivska 11, Ternopil, 46020

Teacher, Ph.D. Student

Department of Financial-Economical Security and Intellectual Property


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How to Cite

Длугопольська, Т. І. (2016). Social security research in a context of welfare state priorities: foreign approaches. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(5(29), 48–53.