Influence of the constructive parameters of heat-accumulating electric converter on its energy characteristics




direct heating, heat-accumulating electric energy converter, method of secondary sources, mathematical model


The heat-accumulating electric energy converter based on direct heating of heat-accumulating substance through which electric current runs is offered for autonomous sources of heat water-supply. Three phase construction of heat-accumulating electric energy converter is considered. The mathematic model of converter and computer program of electric power and temperature in each elementary tank’s volume has been worked out. The dependences between geometrical sizes and converter’s electro-thermal characteristics are received. The technique of determining the optimal constructive parameters of the main heat-accumulating electric converter for solar heating systems using the proposed mathematical model is considered. Optimal constructive correlations of converter are received. Natural experiments to determine electro-thermal characteristics of converter have been conducted. The test results of research have been conducted. Economic effect of convertor’s using in solar heat-supply systems is expected by reducing natural gas consumption for heat water supply.

Author Biography

Сергей Андреевич Левченко, Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy, Sobornyy prosp. 226, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, 69006

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of effectiveness of energy supply


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How to Cite

Левченко, С. А. (2016). Influence of the constructive parameters of heat-accumulating electric converter on its energy characteristics. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(1(30), 39–44.