Modernization of the financial potential management mechanism for agroformations


  • Галина Вячеславівна Корнійчук National Scientific Center «Institute of Agrarian Economy» of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, 03127, Kyiv, str. Heroes of Defense, 10, Ukraine



agroformation, economic mechanism, modernization, financial potential, financial resources, financial competitiveness, economic development, enterprise


Theoretical approaches to understanding the essence of the economic mechanism of financial potential managementare summarized in the article. Theoretical, methodological, organizational and economic aspects of its transformation in the context of improving the competitiveness of the financial agroformations and ensure the positive dynamics of their economic development are proved. It is defined that an important condition for the solution of many actual problems of domestic agroformations is formation and development of financial potential, and therefore there is a need to modernize economic mechanism of its management. The author's position about interpretation of the content of the economic mechanism of financial potential management is argued. Theoretical-methodological and organizational-economic prerequisites for economic mechanism of financial potential management are disclosed. Its logical and structural model is offered. It is defined that the features of economic mechanism of financial potential managementare caused by its functional characteristics and impact on the character of the processes of formation and use of financial resources. It is found that modernization logic of the economic mechanism of financial potential management provides a specific sequence of the implementation of the necessary organizational and economic measures. Their content and sequence of implementation are characterized.

Author Biography

Галина Вячеславівна Корнійчук, National Scientific Center «Institute of Agrarian Economy» of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, 03127, Kyiv, str. Heroes of Defense, 10

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Doctorate


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How to Cite

Корнійчук, Г. В. (2016). Modernization of the financial potential management mechanism for agroformations. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(4(31), 4–9.