Activation effectiveness evaluation of innovation activity processes of the enterprises




innovative activity, technologies, technical and technological innovations, innovative programs, investment, profitability


Despite the national importance of innovative activity development in Ukraine, clear relationship to the innovative process has not yet formed. There are a number of outstanding issues concerning the methods for activation effectiveness evaluation of innovative activity of the enterprises, identifying priority allocation of financial resources in the course of innovation.

The ways of improving analytical methods for activity effectiveness evaluation of innovative activity of the enterprises in different sectors of the national economy are discussed in the article. They are based on the performances of their economic, social and technological development. The practical aspects of implementation of the methodology for effectiveness evaluation of innovative activity are developed. They can be used as the basis for approaches to the formation and evaluation of the implementation of the state industrial policy of Ukraine.

It is proved that economy modernization, based on the formation of high-tech resources in the real economy, and effective participation of innovative activities in economic circulation allows economic growth in the conditions of new economy.

Technology can effectively develop only under appropriate forms and methods of institutionalization and socialization.

The complex nature of the processes of innovative development of domestic enterprises has predetermined the need for effective implementation of innovation level measurement system based on the definition of the integral performance index of their implementation and related sub-indices in its structure, based on a four-level hierarchical model. Integral performance indicator is a vector with the components of the sub-indices by kinds of influence factors.

The proposed approach to the analysis of the activation effectiveness of innovative activity of the enterprises can be the basis for approaches to the development and evaluation of the implementation of the state industrial policy of Ukraine, the agrarian policy of Ukraine and social security policy in the system of the national economy, which should ensure the implementation of an innovative model of development.

Author Biography

Елена Александровна Плахотник, Dniprovsk State Technical University, 2 Dniprobudivskay str., Kamynske, Ukraine, 51918

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of economy and organization of production 


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How to Cite

Плахотник, Е. А. (2016). Activation effectiveness evaluation of innovation activity processes of the enterprises. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(5(32), 15–21.