Modeling of passenger transport correspondence between regional centers in Ukraine




transport system, gravity model, passenger transport correspondence, intercity transportation


Passenger transport system of Ukraine is studied for establishment of passenger correspondence using public routes between regional centers. The results of the analysis of existing methods of passenger correspondence calculation are found the inability to implement them without preliminary investigation of features of the systems and calculation of the actual values of gravity function.

Empirical method is applied for establishing the parameters of quantitative index of gravity function. Unlike previous researchers, this approach for calculation of gravity function parameters allows to obtain new knowledge about the studied system. An opportunity to obtain performance parameters of the experimental system without the human factor and at any time is provided without the use of a manual or automated inspection means for passenger correspondence.

Research results provide the opportunity to analyze the calculations of intercity passenger correspondence between regional centers of Ukraine on the general transport routes using a gravity model. Previously unknown parameters of gravity function are defined. This allows to predict the passenger correspondence in this system.

Author Biography

Constantine Dolya, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kulikovska descent str., 12, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of GIS, Land and Real Estate Appraisal


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How to Cite

Dolya, C. (2017). Modeling of passenger transport correspondence between regional centers in Ukraine. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(2(33), 44–48.



Systems and Control Processes: Original Research