Лозинська Тамара Миколаївна

Полтавський державний аграрний університет, Україна
Доктор наук з державного управління, професор, завідувач кафедри
Кафедра публічного управління та адміністрування

Researcher ID: DCS-8866-2022
Google Scholar profile: link

Selected Publications:

  1. Lozynska, T., Shchetinina, T. (2020). General secretariat (ministry) for polish affairs of ukrainian people’s republic at the time of the central rada: formation stages and structure development. Skhidnoievropeiskyi Istorychnyi Visnyk, 14, 86–98. doi: https://doi.org/10.24919/2519-058x.14.197181

  2. Lakhyzha, M., Lozynska, T., Cherchatyi, O., Dorofyeyev, O., Galych, (2021). The development of the legal principles of public administration in the context of providing the rule of law in ukraine: the role of the free legal aid system. Public Policy and Administration, 20 (2), 327–341. doi: https://doi.org/10.13165/vpa-21-20-2-14

  3. Lozynska, T. M., Sych, T. V., Diegtiar, A. O., Lopushynskyi, I. P., Vovk, S. M. (2021). Areas of Improvement of Organization and Research of Educational Management Problems. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 21 (15), 8–15.

  4. Lozynska, T. M. (2021). Archetypes and imagination in the formation of rural neo-societies: conclusions for the state policy of rural development. Ukrainian Society, 76 (1), 69–76. doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/socium2021.01.069

  5. Lozynska, M. (2014). On a Problem of Using the Terms “Institute” and“Institution” in the Context of Institutional Analysis. Biznes Inform, 7, 8–13.

  6. Lozynska, M. (2011). Strategic directions of development of animal industries of Ukraine in the context of food safety. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2 (2 (2)), 28–31. doi: https://doi.org/10.15587/2312-8372.2011.4863

  7. Lozynska, T. M., Serdiuk, O. I., Fedirets, O. V., Lieshchyna, O. H. (2013). Obgruntuvannia metodychnykh pidkhodiv do vyznachennia shtatnoi chyselnosti upravlinskykh kadriv silskohospodarskykh pidpryiemstv. Teoriia ta praktyka derzhavnoho upravlinnia, 1, 444–453.