Influence of raw materials on the change of crystal structure of gingerbread in the storage process




flour confectionery, unconventional raw materials, diffraction angle, intensity of diffraction maximum, X-ray phase analysis


The paper analyzes modern methods for studying the staling process of flour confectionery products, namely, X-ray diffraction analysis, X-ray diffraction, and differential scanning colorimetry. Since the crystalline structure of finished flour confectionery products is formed directly by starch, sugar and other carbohydrates, and the processes associated with the moisture content in them affect their storage. To conduct research on staling processes, the X-ray phase analysis method is used on a DRON-UM-1 diffractometer (Russia), and it revealed the degree and types of deformation of the crystal structure of substances. Diffraction maxima of starch are studied at reflection angles in the range of 10–30°. The objects of research are the «Bdzhilka» and «Imbyrni Pikantni» author’s gingerbreads, and the «Pivnichni» gingerbreads are chosen as the base sample for comparison.

The gingerbread recipes contain the following raw materials:

– «Bdzhilka» – peeled rye flour, fermented rye malt, artificial honey, sunflower oil, skimmed milk powder, apple butter, bee pollen, creeping thyme inflorescence powder;

– «Imbyrni Pikantni» – peeled rye flour, rye malt extract, invert syrup, dried cheese whey, ginger root powder, elderberry inflorescence powder.

As a result of X-ray phase analysis, the destruction degree of the starch crystal lattice in the pulp structure of the developed gingerbread is studied. The interaction of starch with other carbohydrates and their influence on the formation of the final crystalline structure of finished products and changes in the crystal structure during storage are analyzed. The processes of staling up of fresh gingerbread, after 2 and 4 months of storage, which are affected by the processes of self-association, hydrotreatment of mono- and disaccharides, degradation and retrograde of starch, are studied.

The features of the staling process after 2 and 4 months of storage using the analysis of diffraction peak peaks are revealed. The retrogradation process of starch in finished products based on the obtained diffractograms is analyzed and the ability of the used natural additives in gingerbreads to extend their shelf life is proved. The results of these studies can be implemented in the confectionery industry in order to produce products with a long shelf life.

Author Biographies

Khrystyna Kovalchuk, Lviv Institute of Economics and Touris, 8, Mentsynskoho str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79007

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Commodity Research and Commodity Expertise

Mykhailo Bodak, Lviv University of Trade and Economics, 10, Tuhan-Baranovskoho str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79005

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Commodity Science, Technology and Quality Management of Food Products

Mariia Katruk, Ukrainian Academy of Printing, 19, Pidholoskom str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79020

PhD, Assistant

Department of Entrepreneurship and Marketing

Olga Gyrka, Lviv University of Trade and Economics, 10, Tuhan-Baranovskoho str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79005

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Commodity Science, Technology and Quality Management of Food Products

Alina Tkachenko, Higher Educational Institution of Ukoopsoyuz «Poltava University of Economics and Trade», 3, Kovalia str., Poltava, Ukraine, 36014

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Commodity Research, Biotechnology, Examination and Customs

Lyudmila Guba, Higher Educational Institution of Ukoopsoyuz «Poltava University of Economics and Trade», 3, Kovalia str., Poltava, Ukraine, 36014

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Commodity Research, Biotechnology, Examination and Customs

Volodymyr Havrylyshyn, Lviv University of Trade and Economics, 10, Tuhan-Baranovskoho str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79005

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Commodity Science, Technology and Quality Management of Food Products


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How to Cite

Kovalchuk, K., Bodak, M., Katruk, M., Gyrka, O., Tkachenko, A., Guba, L., & Havrylyshyn, V. (2019). Influence of raw materials on the change of crystal structure of gingerbread in the storage process. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(3(51), 53–57.



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