Analysis of determinants of the influence of the external economic sphere on economic security of the state




international trade, world economy, economic development, socio-economic indicators, economic security, international economic relations


The object of research is a list of the main factors of influence of the foreign economic sphere on the level of economic security. The effective development of the national economy largely depends on the state and level of economic security of the country in the conditions of strengthening globalization and integration processes. An adequate level of economic security is the basis for the development of socio-economic systems of any level, stability in society in general. Therefore, assessment and analysis of factors affecting economic security at different levels (countries, businesses, enterprises and organizations) is an important direction of the analytical work of specialists. For its implementation, analysts need a methodology – to determine the goal and interests, the main influencing factors and principles, to choose methodological and analytical tools. In the scientific works of economists, the methodology, level, and indicators are given as separate aspects of the formation and management of the economic security of the state. Without denying the significant contribution of these developments, the conducted research sets out the systematization of factors influencing the state of the macroeconomic environment. The study of factors influencing the macroeconomic sphere on the level of economic security of the country is based on the use of indicators calculated from available statistical data. The last twenty years, which showed an increase in world GDP almost twofold (from 51.39 trillion USD in 2000 to 101.12 trillion USD in 2020), are characterized by the loss of opportunities for the Ukrainian economy to be present on the world stage a market where competition is intensifying and carried out at a new technological level.

The work defines the national economic interests of Ukraine in the global socio-economic space, the directions of the realization of the national interests of Ukraine, the dynamics of indicators of the development of the macroeconomic sphere. This made it possible to form a list of the main influential factors of the macroeconomic sphere, which directly shape the level of economic security of the state. The results of the research can be useful for the formation or adaptation of development strategies of countries with similar conditions and economies, such as Georgia, Moldova, which also have conflicts with Russia and seek to join the European Union.

Author Biography

Tetiana Zubko, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of World Economy


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Analysis of determinants of the influence of the external economic sphere on economic security of the state




How to Cite

Zubko, T. (2024). Analysis of determinants of the influence of the external economic sphere on economic security of the state. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(4(76), 30–36.



Economics and Enterprise Management