Puzhay-Chereda A. Problems and prospects of reforming the field of agriculture in Ukraine.


  • Анна Володимирівна Пужай-Череда Класичний приватний університет, м.Запоріжжя, Ukraine




agribusiness, agricultural, agricultural products, integration, agrarian reform, competition, agriculture, food security, crop production, animal husbandry.


The article states that the agricultural sector of Ukraine is a complex of multilevel hierarchical system, which development is determined primarily by trends and parameters of the economy in general. It is noted that to solve many problems facing the agricultural sector of Ukraine is possible only at the expense of innovations, including improving the competitiveness of agricultural production. The current state of agricultural development in Ukraine is analyzed. It’s proved that the reform of AIC of Ukraine is urgently needed and it would bring economic model of domestic agriculture to the best contemporary world standards. Moreover, a significant role in the reform should be given to the introduction of system models of management in agriculture. The stages of the Comprehensive strategy to develop agriculture and rural areas in 20152020 are presented in the article. The problems and prospects of the industry are shown, such as the search for innovative solutions associated with minimizing the cost of cleaning, transportation, storage and processing of agricultural products; the introduction of advanced business models in the first place, studies based on network economics; building effective models of interaction between science and business success; development activities that stimulate processes of cooperation of small and medium farmers; work related to the expansion of existing and entering new markets for farmers' production Ukraine; work related to improving the quality of training of young specialists in the field of agriculture, including through the exchange of experiences with leading world economies; reform the agricultural sector of Ukraine. It’s stated in the article that deregulation of the agricultural sector is a prerequisite for improving the business and successful agricultural reform in Ukraine. However, deregulation, as any initiative should take into account the peculiarities of Ukrainian market requirements for food and food security, and comply with EU standards.

Author Biography

Анна Володимирівна Пужай-Череда, Класичний приватний університет, м.Запоріжжя



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