Bogma O. Structure and financial strength of country securities.


  • Олена Сергіївна Богма Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine



financial safety, bank safety, promissory safety, budgetary safety, currency safety, money-and-credit safety, safety of unbank financial market.


The article is sanctified to the study of list of basic constituents of financial safety of country from the point of view of separate scientists. On the basis of systematization of looks various scientists are set that the only understanding of list of constituents of financial safety of country is not for today, that reduces efficiency of process of providing of financial safety. Thus, position of most scientists coincides with official position that is expounded in Methodical recommendations in relation to the calculation of economic strength of Ukraine security, according to that as basic constituents of financial safety distinguish bank, promissory, budgetary, currency, money-and-credit safety and safety of unbank financial market, that includes the level of insurance and fund market development. In relation to position of separate scientists in relation to a selection as a separate structural element of financial safety of country of tax constituent, it is set that a tax constituent is the structural element of budgetary safety together with a custom constituent. In relation to investment safety that some scientists distinguish the structural element of financial safety of country, then taking into account continuity of process of co-operation of investments and innovations, it is well-proven that an investment-innovative constituent comes forward together with financial as an element of economic security of country. It is also set that financial safety of the state is provided by safety of the socio-economic systems of more subzero level, namely distinguish: national, regional, enterprise or organizational and personality financial strength securities. Thus international financial safety comes forward as the greatest financial strength security.

Author Biography

Олена Сергіївна Богма, Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя

к.е.н., доцент


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