Dovgan D. Аssessment of industry competitiveness for Ukrainian export on the world ferrous metals market.


  • Дмитро Анатолійович Довгань Київський національний економічний університет ім. В. Гетьмана, м. Київ, Ukraine



export, export competitiveness, ferrous metals, indicators of export competitiveness, criteria of competitiveness of exports.


The article provides the assessment results of the competitiveness of domestic steel export in the context of three levels: national, industrial and corporate on the following criteria: sustainability, efficiency, quality/innovation, fair competition and prospects. The author has conducted the analysis of factors that influence the national, industrial and corporate export competitiveness of Ukrainian mining and metallurgical complex. Thus, the author makes for the first time the distinction of export competitiveness indicators. in the context of the three clusters, which allowed to detail the problems of each component and systematize them for the national mining and metallurgical complex. Assessment of mentioned above indicators of industrial export competitiveness is based on the expert method of management survey of Ukrainian mining and metallurgical complex. The regardless minor increase in export of metallurgical raw materials in a total volume of export of ferrous materials from Ukraine to EU, in general, the volume of export has declined, which may allow concluding about the shortage of Ukrainian mining companies in one of the most prestigious markets in the world. In 2014-2015 Ukraine was not succeed in full substitution of the Russian market share because of low competitiveness of Ukrainian production which were exported in CIS previously. Actually, customers in a more selective market do not prefer Ukrainian production. Ukraine enters the Asian markets- India, Taiwan, Vietnam and Indonesia in order to replace the Russian market. Ukraine needs to strengthen current trends in enhancing of product range and entering new markets in order to enhance export capacities.

Author Biography

Дмитро Анатолійович Довгань, Київський національний економічний університет ім. В. Гетьмана, м. Київ



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